Monday, December 28, 2009

Filled Under:

John Mayer - Any Given Thursday (2003)

John Mayer - Any Given Thursday (2003)
All the qualities that have made John Mayer a rising star are on display in this concert package: an interesting voice; tunes that are catchy but still have some depth; an appealingly casual slacker attitude; and enough grit to separate him from the namby-pamby singer-songwriter crowd. Recorded in 2002 in Birmingham, Alabama, the nearly two-hour concert showcases not only Mayer's songs (including some new ones) and versatile three-piece band, but also his surprisingly deft guitar playing (check out his Hendrix-saturated stylings on the unaccompanied "Man on the Side"). There are plenty of extra features as well, including an audio track with Mayer's comments about the songs, photos, and two brief but well-made (especially "Any Given Soundcheck") documentaries. All in all, a worthy addition to the catalog of an artist who keeps getting better. --Sam Graham

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